Born in Putignano on June 3, 1974, winner of the notary's competition announced with D.D.G. July 10, 2006, appointed notary in Martina Franca (Taranto Notary District) with D.M. April 20, 2011.

Francesco Valente, notary, graduated in law from the University of Rome La Sapienza. He obtained a diploma of specialization in legal professions with a notarial orientation from the University of Bari. He was enrolled in the Bari Bar Association from 2006 to 2011.

Francesco Valente is a legal consultant in corporate law at several tax and business strategy consulting firms in Milan and Bari.

He is a lecturer in Public Economic Law at the Federico II University of Naples; professor at the Vincenzo Stifano Pugliese School of Notaries, at the Bari Notary Council, for the 2010-2011 academic year. He is an Expert Witness at the Royal Court of Justice in London for the Edwin Coe Law Firm London.

Works by notary Francesco Valente: Servitudes; Le servitù prediali; il contratto di conto corrente; i verbali di concorso a premi, for Maggioli publisher.



Associazione Apulia Faber
via Serramancone 13
74015 Martina Franca (Ta)